The FEATInean Association of Toronto (TFAT)
& FEATI University Academic Excellence Awards
The TFAT-FEATIU Academic Excellence Awards was held during the FEATI University’s 76th Commencement Exercises for graduates of Academic Year 2019-2020, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 on September 7 at the Metropolitan Theater. This joint award is an initiative to encourage college students to aspire and excel in their respective programs. Top three (3) graduate-performers are given recognition and cash award annually.
This year’s recipients emerged as top performers among graduates from the three batches since there was no graduation ceremonies held in the last two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The awardees who obtained exemplary scholastic standing are:
Ephraim Poe V. Javier, BS Mechanical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude
Daphne Joanna V. Viray, BS Tourism Management, Magna Cum Laude
Jake Benedict L. Gutierrez, BS Marine Transportation, Cum Laude
University President Dr. Adolfo Jesus R. Gopez and Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs Mr. Tristan H. Macapanpan presented the awards. TFAT was represented by Atty. Lourdes T. Pagayatan during the awarding ceremony.
TFAT is a socio-professional organization of FEATI Alumni based in Canada that has been consistently in a mission to promote, contribute, and engage on worthwhile programs, including scholarship grants and financial bursary assistance for deserving students, at their alma mater. TFAT’s outreach initiatives through the years have been in collaboration with FEATI Alumni Affairs headed by Ms. Melanie P. Florentino.