Where dreams are made, lives transformed, communities nurtured!

The College of Architecture (CoA) offers a five-year undergraduate program leading to a Bachelor of Science in Architecture which provides basic training for the practice of architecture.

The BS Architecture curriculum has been designed with a complete coverage of all the necessary theory, design and architectural practice courses such as design, theory and history of architecture, together with construction, planning and professional practice. This makes the new curriculum of the College of Architecture at FEATI University in a distinct position when compared with other colleges and universities offering the architecture program.

Courses in basic engineering utilities and structural design are likewise offered to the students. Recently, this curriculum has been updated to include courses gearing towards the academic development of FEATI University architecture students in the arts, in sustainable architecture, in architectural conservation, and in technological advancements in the field of architecture.

In FEATI University, the students are exposed to the different types of architectural case studies, specifically focusing on architectural problems in the field of residential, civic, recreational, industrial, cultural planning and design, as well as town, city and regional planning. With the new courses being offered by the College, such as Environmental Architecture, Heritage and Cultural Landscapes and Water and Urban Development, the students will now be exposed to the different facets of architecture and design found in different countries. With the introduction of these courses to the curriculum, the students become culturally and morally aware of the significance of Heritage Architecture, not only those found in the country but also those found abroad. These courses are in line with one of the thrusts of the University, which is to prepare students for a global future.

The additional course on Utilities is primarily aimed at giving the student an introduction to building science, focusing on high technological advancements used in buildings. The additional course on History of Architecture, on the other hand, focuses solely on Filipino Architecture, which, unlike in the previous curriculum, was merely incorporated in the three History of Architecture courses that present a chronological sequence of the architectures found in different parts of the world.

With this set up, the College of Architecture of FEATI University is above and beyond the study of architecture. It works to become a credible springboard in the Filipino Architectural industry with highly qualified, educated and competent graduates.


COA Program Educational Objectives

The objectives of the Bachelor of Science in Architecture are to develop the following outcomes:

  1. Perform standard competencies in accordance with the scope of the global and local practice of architecture
  2. Show traits of professionalism, sense of responsibility, equality and patriotism
  3. Receptiveness to new ideas and knowledge through scientific research
  4. Direct and focus the thrust of architecture education to the needs and demands of society and its integration into social, economic, cultural and environmental aspects of nation-building
  5. Instill understanding of the basic philosophy and fundamental principles of the multi-dimensional aspects of architecture and the direct relationship between man and his environment.


Program Expected Learning Outcomes

As per the CHED CMO No. 61, the minimum standards for BS Architecture Program Learning objectives are to:

  1. Keep abreast with the development in the field of architecture practice;
  2. Develop the ability to effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino;
  3. Develop the ability to work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
  4. Recognize professional, social, and ethical responsibilities;
  5. Create architectural solutions by applying knowledge in history, theory, planning, building technology and utilities, structural concepts and professional practice;
  6. Develop concepts and principles from specialized fields and allied disciplines into various architectural problems;
  7. Prepare contract documents, technical reports and other legal documents used in architectural practice adhering to applicable laws, standards and regulations;
  8. Interpret and apply relevant laws, codes, charters and standards of architecture and the built environment;
  9. Apply research methods to address architectural problems;
  10. Use various information and communication technology (ICT); media for architectural solutions, presentation, and techniques in design and construction;
  11. Acquire entrepreneurial and business acumen relevant to Architecture practice;
  12. Be involved in the management of the construction works and Building administration;
  13. Develop the Ability to participate in the generation of new knowledge such as pioneering concepts and ideas of site and building designs beyond the regular physical and location boundaries and contexts;
  14. Demonstrate an initiative for self-learning and;
  15. Develop and acquire a sense of holistic wellness.


Fields of Specialization

  • Sustainable Development in Architecture
  • Green Architecture
  • Heritage & Cultural Landscapes
  • Architectural Design
  • Urban Design and Planning
  • Master Development Planning
  • Bioclimatic Design in Architecture
  • Interior Architecture / Space Planning
  • AutoCAD, SketchUp, Revit
  • Project and Construction Management
  • Architectural Rendering
  • Environmental Architecture
  • Water and Urban Development


Career Opportunities

  • Architectural Designer
  • Project Manager
  • Construction Manager
  • Interior Architect
  • Urban Designer or Planner or Master Planner
  • Building Administrator or Building Official
  • City or Municipal Architect
  • Conservation Architect or Conservation Planner
  • Specifications Writer
  • Professional Color Renderer
  • Graphics Designer or Consultant
  • BIM, Autocad and SketchUpSpecialist
  • 3D Visual Consultant or Animator

The Great FEATI Architecture Activities

The Great FEATI CoA Experience is something more than academic in nature and it is seen as a holistic approach to handling students who are focusing on different perspectives such as those in actual practice and in industry immersion. These are events at the CoA that the students look forward to in their stay at the University; something that they are enthused to undertake every year, every month and every day.  The events are based on the programs set by the College related to college activities and homeroom activities.

PECHA KUCHA – The CoA conducts one Pecha Kucha (Japanese term for “chit-chat”) per semester wherein the students and faculty convene to talk about topics related to architecture and the arts. We see this as an opportunity for both the faculty and students to exchange ideas, thoughts, and update themselves with regard to the latest trends and topics in the industry that they can apply in their architectural design classes.

STUDENT PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION– Each term, students are encouraged to work on particular topics per course with the assistance of the respective faculty. Encouragement from the instructor plays a vital role in the inception of solutions because it stimulates the student’s critical thinking to look into current issues and translate it to future possibilities as a reaction to the different needs, processes and styles of architecture. The students are instructed and trained to do research, examine, evaluate and analyze information as part of the holistic design programming process. They are taught and advised to look into human behavior, settings and to be environmentally aware of the needs of the occupants that are to be designed. As a result, the students are able to explore new concepts and ideas that enable them to strive for a greater comprehension in the discipline of architecture. At the end of the semester, they are asked to present their final plates for critiquing of guest panels from the academe and the industry, as well.

The Great FEATI Advantage

  • Mentorship – The instructors give the students insight about the type of profession that they are about to undertake and give them an idea on the type of workplace they are preparing for.
  • Problem Solvers – COA Students are taught to become critical thinkers and problem solvers as they learn about the interdisciplinary field of architecture such as design, history, theory, planning, technologies and many more.
  • Creative Thinkers – Thinking outside the box is something that the COA students enjoy doing for having art such as painting, sculpture, music and dance as their inspiration enables them to produce interesting architectural design solution.
  • Art meets Science – Student research are conducted in COA to make the undertaking of architecture more meaningful taking into consideration the building materials and technologies applied in a particular design. Art integrated with science would definitely produce an aesthetically pleasing and functionally designed Architecture.
  • Theoretical meets industrial approach in education – Students in CoA are exposed in the industry through a Portfolio Presentation which creates a realistic overview of what the profession awaits for them. In addition, the participation of FEATI Architecture Alumni in this practice makes studying architecture in the University authentic and holistic.
  • Faculty Specialization – Faculty members are both academic and industry professionals with each his/her own specialization in architecture and have extensive experience in the field of practice particularly in design and planning.
  • Manual and Digital Drawing Expertise – Traditional and modern drafting, rendering, and 3D scale modelling techniques are given priority to enhance its students’ skills as preparation for them in meeting the needs and requirements in the industry.
  • FEATICoA Care – Student guidance by the college to closely monitor its students’ track in their academic performance to be able to guide them throughout their stay in the University. Also, COA provides an open and nurturing environment for both the faculty and students to give them opportunity to grow professionally and personally.
  • Leadership – The college have a core of students who are talented, passionate, have the curiosity in architecture and has good potential in undertaking the course thus be able to mentor the other students in CoA.
  • Business Opportunities.Passion in architecture can eventually lead the students to numerous business opportunities to be employed in a corporate workplace and collaborate with the world’s top architects, engineers and builders. Most importantly, to come up with their own architectural office and business venture in the long run.

Return of Investment

Your talent and passion in Architecture is your Investment. 

Taking up BS Architecture in the Philippines would normally cost a student an average of Php500,000.00 to Php750,000.00 for five years. The salary of architects varies depending on the extent of knowledge and experience they have, where they work, the type of services being rendered, project type and the complexity of design or construction that they are handling. Just for reference on a simple residential project, the suggested fee of a licensed and registered architect is 10% of the project construction cost.

Project Construction Cost of Php5,000,000.00 x 10% = Php500,000.00 Minimum Basic Fee

With this estimate, a licensed and registered architect can recoup the initial investment on his college tuition of Php750,000.00 with just two (2) residential projects of Php500,000.00 each.

The Great FEATI Partnership

Prompt Managers and Construction Services, Inc., is a registered Construction Management Company at Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Registration under certificate no. CS200703319. Prompt Managers and Construction Services, Inc., is a spin-off from Prompt Management and Maintenance Services, Inc., established by Engr. Rolando M. Policarpio with other professionals who decided to band together and pool their expertise and know-how for a common cause. Offering the highest quality construction management services. Our experience encompasses a wide range of project types, sizes and complexities. The Company Started with a few Employees and is continuously growing through the years.

The Great FEATI Legacy

The following are among the College’s notable alumni:

A. Arch. Enrique Olonan

  • BS Architecture, FEATI University, 1974
  • Principal Architect Enrique O. Olonan and Associates Architects (1975- present)
  • Chairman of the Board/President at the Specified Contractors and Development, Inc. (2003- present)
  • President, Sunrise Holiday Concepts, Inc. (1998- Present)
  • Specified Management and Holdings, Co. (1995- to present)
  • Chairman of the Board/ President at Solid Future Foundation, Inc. (2003- Present)
  • Recipient of the Outstanding FEATI Alumni Award 2016
  • National President of the United Architects of the Philippines (FY 2004- 2005)
  • Chamber of Real Estate Builders Association, Inc. (CREBA INC.), Member (2009-present)

B. Arch. Renato A. Heray

  • National President of the United Architects of the Philippines (FY 2020 to 2021)
  • National Executive Vice President, United Architects of the Philippines (2019-2020)
  • NCCA Haligi ng Dangal People’s Choice Awardee 2018
  • Executive Director of the Commission on Professional Practice, United Architects of the Philippines 2018-2019
  • Secretary- General, United Architects of the Philippines, 2018-2018
  • Established the icArchitecture & Landscapes, Design and Consultancy Services after 12 years of professional work experience overseas particularly in the fields of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Design, Project Management and Implementation. He is a Registered ASEAN Architect.
  • Registered Architect & Landscape Architect
  • Masters of Science in Environmental Studies Miriam College (2013 – 2014) units earned
  • Masters in Tropical Landscape Architecture University of the Philippines (1998 – 2000) units earned
  • Bachelor of Science in Architecture FEATI University (1980 – 1985)
  • UAP National Office –SECRETARY GENERAL (2016– present)
  • Recipient of the Outstanding FEATI Alumni Award 2016
  • Committee Chairman – World Architecture Day (2005)
  • Committee Chairman – Environment & Ecology (2005)
  • International Union of Architects (UIA)
  • Philippine Association of Landscape Architects – Member

C. Arch. Domingo LL. Tablizo, Jr.

  • FEATI University BS. Architecture Batch 1982
  • United Architects of the Philippines College of Fellows Member of the Jury of Fellows FY 2020-2021
  • Vice-Chancellor College of Fellows, United Architects of the Philippines
  • Chief of the NBI Construction Management Section (CMS) , Retired
  • Elevated to the UAP College of Fellows in the field of Public Service, 2003
  • Immediate Past Bursar of UAP College of Fellows for 2 consecutive terms (2010-2011 & 2011-2012)
  • Board of Trustee, UAP Foundation, Inc.
  • Recipient of the Outstanding FEATI Alumni Award 2016
  • For the last eight (8) years up to the present, he is the official representative of the UAP in two (2) Committees in the Supreme Court of the Philippines as regular Observer/member, the Bids and Awards Committee for Consultancy Services (SC-BACCS) and the Bids and Awards Committee for Infrastructure Projects (SC-BACIP) respectively
  • One of the 8 Distinguished Artists of Daet, Camarines Norte, in the fields of Architecture and Literature, February 2008
  • UAP Presidential Award of Excellence in crafting and repeal of RA 9266     (Architecture Law of 2004)
  • Vice-President for Sales of the 12-year old North Diamond Industrial Corporation (NDIC), a small scale mining company and exclusive supplier of limestone minerals to the TEAM Energy Sual Power Plant, Sual, Pangasinan; the biggest Power Plant in the country.

D. Arch. Edgardo T. Budoy

  • FEATI University BS Architecture Batch 1992
  • Design Director, SPI China
  • Recipient of Sir William Atkins Gold Medal International Award for Design Excellence
  • Recipient of the Outstanding FEATI Alumni Award 2019
  • United Architects of The Philippines: Shanghai Chapter President FY 2017-2019
  • United Architects of The Philippines: Shanghai Chapter President FY 2016-2017
  • Filipino Designers Workgroup in Shanghai: President FY 2012 – 2017
  • LEED Accredited Professional
  • 2016 – 2017 – Saddachen, China: Design Director, Architecture, Urban Design & Landscape
  • 2015 -2016 – Jiangsu Weixin, China: Design Director Architecture, Urban Design & Landscape
  • 2005 – 2015 – ATKINS, China: Associate Director Landscape, Urban Design, Architecture
  • 2000 – 2005 – AECOM – EDAW , China: Associate – Landscape & Urban Design
  • 1999-2000 – KELInternational,China: SeniorDesigner Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape
  • 1994-1999-Design DevelopmentAtelier, Singapore:Design Architect -Architecture, Interior Design,Landscape
  • 1992-1994 – Al Mustafa Engineering Office, KSA- Chief Design Architect
  • 1990-1992 – Carl Bro International, Phils.Senior Draftsman/Artist Urban Waterfront Rehabilitation Project

E. Dean Juan M. Arellano

  • First Dean of the Department of Architecture in 1953.
  • He is an outstanding Filipino Architect during the American period. He was sent to the United States at the Drexel Institute of Philadelphia. After graduating with a degree in Architecture in 1912, he pursued graduate courses at the University of Pennsylvania and at the Beaux Arts School in New York.
  • For some time, Juan worked in partnership with his brother Arcadio, and together, they designed the Casino Español and Gota de Leche buildings. Later, he went on his own and joined the Bureau of Public Works as Assistant Architect at the Architectural Section. He headed the Board of Examiners for Architects in the years 1935, 1947, and 1948.
  • From 1947 to 1948, he was the president of the Philippine Institute of Architects of which he became a Fellow. He was named Director of the National Planning Commission by President Elpidio Quirino and from 1950 to 1954, he served on the National Pantheon Board. In 1958, he received the Gold Medal of Merit for Architecture.
  • Some of his notable works include The Metropolitan Theater, The Old Congress Building, Manila Post Office, Villamor Hall of the University of the Philippines System in Manila, Occidental Negros Capitol Building in Bacolod, and the Pre- World War II Jones Bridge.

The College of Architecture is to become one of the Philippines’ leading academic institution in the field of architecture.


The CoA is updating itself through the advancement and exploration of new concepts and ideas in its design approaches and understanding the built and artistic environment. It has faculty who are leaders in the architecture and the arts and, at the same time, aiming for the capability and capacity-building of its resources. The CoA is aspiring to educate, motivate, inspire and prepare its students to be culturally oriented and sensitive to the Philippines’ very own architecture and arts. The College is competitive and ready to undertake the challenges the profession is facing in the national and international scenario. It is continuously developing academic programs that are relevant and responsive to the needs of the youth, built and artistic environment. The CoA is striving to instill in its students the achievement of full academic and research potentials in architecture and in the arts; likewise, in the pursuit of sustainable architecture and built environment design.


Faculty Academic Background & Teaching Experience

Ar. Deanna Marie Pacis – Ilaga
(Program Head)

  • Currently pursuing Master of Science in Architecture Major in Environmental Psychology
  • Licensed Architect
  • Ar. Brylle Ehdzell D. De Leon

  • Currently pursuing Master of Architecture Major in Tropical Design
  • Licensed Architect
  • Ar. Melduard L. Hernandez

  • Currently pursuing Master of Science Major in Architectural Education
  • Licensed Architect
  • License Professional Teacher
  • Ar. Renmar B. Yutoc

  • Master of Architecture in Urban Design
  • Licensed Architect
  • Registered and Licensed Master Plumber
  • Ar. Paola Joy N. Ibasco

  • Licensed Architect
  • Ar. Harold Melvin R. Estrada

  • Licensed Architect
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